Katherine and I have been married since November. And I have been living in the house since October. This entire time though we been sitting either in my pc chair or on the floor. For we, you see, do not have chairs or a couch yet.
Well I hope that has mostly changed as of today. A friend from work is getting rid of his old couch, and while it'll need some tender love and care, I think we could clean it up and use it. We hope to one day soon go to Ikea and buy this red leather couch Katherine has her heart set on. But that takes money. And money comes only with time. So before then we'll have to use elbow greece. Lets hope we can clean it up good enough to use.
Now comes the more exciting news. A refrigerator!! Ok well we don't have one yet but soon. Maybe in the next two weeks. We got a mini-fridge now and its been a trusty companion but the Jed needs something more. With huuuuge perky nobs and tight fittings...ooooh yeeeeeah.
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Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Saturday, January 26, 2013
My Battlefield 3 highlights
FINALLY I got around to editing all those hours of battlefield clips I had clogging up my drive. Took me 3 days because of constant interruptions. I could of been playing proper games or something useful to society, but nope. So here it is.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Beautiful Life
The other day I mentioned I got a SD card from Jed with all the portal 2 clips on it so I could edit them finally. Well as fate should have it I checked and hes only put 12 clips on. Thats like 1 video. I'm lost for words. He can forget about that ferret I was going to buy him for his birthday. Not happening now. USELESS!!
So while doing all my usual random stuff today I came across an older drama series that I loved and forgot I had. Its called, as the heading of the post, Beautiful Life. Its an 11 part japanese drama show about a guy who meets a girl and STUFF. I watched it over 10 years back when a friend showed it to me and I adore it. I also found it on youtube. So if anyones up for a great drama show with excellent acting and everything, and dont mind reading subtitles, I totally recommend watching it.
I'll embed the first one here but the guy has all the rest uploaded. Total legend. Slight warning, its not the happiest of shows. Hence DRAMA!
So while doing all my usual random stuff today I came across an older drama series that I loved and forgot I had. Its called, as the heading of the post, Beautiful Life. Its an 11 part japanese drama show about a guy who meets a girl and STUFF. I watched it over 10 years back when a friend showed it to me and I adore it. I also found it on youtube. So if anyones up for a great drama show with excellent acting and everything, and dont mind reading subtitles, I totally recommend watching it.
I'll embed the first one here but the guy has all the rest uploaded. Total legend. Slight warning, its not the happiest of shows. Hence DRAMA!
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Deleting of the Gods
The last couple days have been entertaining. Whenever I've had a spare moment, which have been few thanks to everyone in the world around me bugging me for this or that, I've been sorting through stuff on my pc. One of my drives I went through and deleted pictures and other random files that I've gathered over the last few years. When I was done I'd managed to delete over 13k of files and freed up 50gbs. Pretty awesome. and I havent even touched any of my movie folders yet.
I've also been sorting stuff now I know where everything is. All my holiday pictures in one area, and also all my cat pictures and videos in one folder too. Just wanted to say I have well over 8gb of files stored of my cat lolololol.
One other thing I'd like to bring up is I finally got in the memory card Jed sent to me which has a lot of little tasty treats. One being the rest of the Portal 2 video clips so that now I can finally edit everything myself and upload them. Its been a year and a half since the last video. Just pointing that out for Jeds benefit. Cause hes slack. And as far as friends are concerned I could do better! But I keep him around like a little annoying step child.
So yeah, hopefully I wont have too much issue trying to find out where we're up to in these and everything is actually in there. I havent checked through it properly yet. Will do that tomorrow. And in the next few days hopefully have it uploaded. Weekend at the latest.
I've also been sorting stuff now I know where everything is. All my holiday pictures in one area, and also all my cat pictures and videos in one folder too. Just wanted to say I have well over 8gb of files stored of my cat lolololol.
One other thing I'd like to bring up is I finally got in the memory card Jed sent to me which has a lot of little tasty treats. One being the rest of the Portal 2 video clips so that now I can finally edit everything myself and upload them. Its been a year and a half since the last video. Just pointing that out for Jeds benefit. Cause hes slack. And as far as friends are concerned I could do better! But I keep him around like a little annoying step child.
So yeah, hopefully I wont have too much issue trying to find out where we're up to in these and everything is actually in there. I havent checked through it properly yet. Will do that tomorrow. And in the next few days hopefully have it uploaded. Weekend at the latest.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Borderlands 2 part 10
I think my next clip with be battlefield or something different. I just wanted to reach 10 before pausing for a bit.. But I did have fun in this one.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Holiday Jinga!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013
Facebook giving free anti-virus programs
Now this is pretty good. I never thought facebook was any good other than for creating a new way to get pestered by people you know, but they've gone and done something pretty cool. They're giving away a 6 or 12month free subscription depending on the virus scanners. They must be doing some sort of weird promotion for themselves or whatever.
Anyway, its 100% legit as its from the facebook security page. The link they send you is also a direct link from the anti-virus websites own page. I think all you need to do is LIKE the page and you get the link sent to you. Confirmed as working by plenty. Ideally from the list I would recommend you select Kaspersky as its the best of the lot and also one I've kept subscribing to for years. Sad part about this one is its only available for US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand people. If you live in a different country I'd suggest Avira who are also very good. And for the love of god dont touch norton.
Anyway, its 100% legit as its from the facebook security page. The link they send you is also a direct link from the anti-virus websites own page. I think all you need to do is LIKE the page and you get the link sent to you. Confirmed as working by plenty. Ideally from the list I would recommend you select Kaspersky as its the best of the lot and also one I've kept subscribing to for years. Sad part about this one is its only available for US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand people. If you live in a different country I'd suggest Avira who are also very good. And for the love of god dont touch norton.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Zero reason
Theres always lots of things I want to put up here but half the time I forget after a little or just get distracted, and before I notice days have passed. One thing I'm contemplating is doing a Q&A thing but in real time on one of those streaming things. If I get enough interest I'll probably go ahead with it, though pulling Jed into it too will be tricky cause of his lack of internet. I still dont see how people could be interested however.
Today I was going through some youtube cat compilation clips, yes I'm one of those lololololo, and I found a song I hadnt heard in yeeeaaaaars. It got me thinking how the 80s were pretty much the best period. Possibly early 90s too. But nothings come close to that period for me. Its just deliciously whimsical and magical. So I'm gonna share the song. ENJOY!
Today I was going through some youtube cat compilation clips, yes I'm one of those lololololo, and I found a song I hadnt heard in yeeeaaaaars. It got me thinking how the 80s were pretty much the best period. Possibly early 90s too. But nothings come close to that period for me. Its just deliciously whimsical and magical. So I'm gonna share the song. ENJOY!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Borderlands 2 part 9
So what I'm trying to do hear is edit it faster and cut out heaps of stuff so I can get to the better parts with the actual story missions and not filler rubbish. Plus I have another 2 friends who join up for the second half of the game.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Sunday, January 6, 2013
New additions to my happiness
How was every ones christmas and new years? Mine was quite fruitful. I stayed home and played games and watched my movies and tv programs that I like. I avoided the stupid world outside so I could have total peace and joy with myself and my hobbies. I've done the friends and family things for many years in the past and I'm seriously over it.
During the time I like to buy myself presents since I know I'm the only one who can get me the things I like. Technically I SHOULDNT be buying anything while I'm not working, but I had some money saved up for this period of year. Also the price of the specials dictate what I get now and leave for later. I grabbed a few things like the entire 'Carry On' movies dvd boxset. I grew up on those, love them to death. A few Gamera blurays that I never got around to watching, again something I loved as a kid growing up. And also the delicious HD collection of Zone of the Enders for ps3. Seriously, ZOE 2 is one of the best games ever created for the ps2, so when it was being updated for the new systems I had to buy it. Was waiting for it for ages. If you've never played it seriously try to get your hands on it. Easily in my top 5 mech games. Maybe top o the list. I adore it.
Then I come to a few ones I wasnt expecting to buy. I saw some Hammer books on special. Now the special was cool, but what was cooler is I didnt actually know these existed. So I didnt want to wait for too long in case they sold out and they stopped printing them, as some books of this type do.
I grew up on these movies as a kid. The top left and bottom right both have Christopher Lee on them, an actor you've no doubt seen me mention in the past. I grew up watching his Dracula movies at the age of 6-7. These movies arent for kids lolol. But I loved them to death. These are HUGE and heavy hardcover books with heaps of articles and rare photos from the time. I found another one a few days later I was surprised I missed and ordered that, still waiting on the slow post to find my house. And then I found this...
Hammer was the studio that created those horror films. And this is a boxset of their 21 best movies on dvd. It was on special for like $20 with free shipping ,and it usually costs like $60-70+ with shipping. So I launched myself at it. Going to have heaps of awesome nights watching these.
The last major thing I bought myself was a new keyboard. I'd had the microsoft one for years. Like...I dunno...7-8. It was a good keyboard. But I've always wanted one with programmable macro buttons, like the logitech G series. But those things were always pretty expensive, like $100-150 depending ont he model.. Then I saw they'd released the logitech G110, a cut down version of the line without the stupid LCD screen attached to it, going for less than half price. So I grabbed this beauty for like $40. I couldnt resist it for a price like that.
The keys feel really nice, its less loud than my microsoft one when typing. I'm having to get used to the size of it with the keys on the left though. Pressing alt-tab usually ends up with my fingers elsewhere. I'm getting there. There was only one major issue I had and that was how high you could elevate the top half with the little extendable legs. It was far too low from what I was used to. I started thinking what I could do that would make it feel more natural and not propped up on something. I noticed it came with a wrist guard that clipped to the bottom. I didnt like the feel of it. But that I started thinking....Double sided tape and BOOM!
Eat your heart out MacGyver!!! With the wrist guard on the bottom stuck to it fast, it is now at the PERFECT height and feels very good. It doesnt wobble or tilt or anything. I'm so happy. My final toy wasnt exactly for me but for my mum. I was sick of potato chips being cooked in the frying pan. There would be that soggy oil feel with them and the tiles would get a little crappy from the hot oil splashing a little in the pan, so there was always cleaning up after. I'd read up on the airfryer cookers that dont need oil but never really looked too much into them. Finally I got frustrated and started reading up some reviews. I found this philips one that seemed to be very good. But it was heaps more expensive than I would have liked. But I'm all about quality over everything else so I make exceptions, and this was one such case.
They work basically like miniature fan forced ovens, but the heat is so concentrated that it cooks things really well. It can do heaps of things from chips to cakes. And NO OIL! So it not only tastes way better, its healthier too. The philips one isnt as large as the other versions out there, but again price was going into the stupid area for those. And if I fill the bottom tray with chips its enough to fill up half of 3 large plates, thats heaps.
Thats what they look like. Obviously its not full as I was doing a test just for myself, but thats still heaps just for me. They come out very crispy. Amazing. My mum at first was quite upset because she thought it wasnt worth the amount of money I spent. But after eating the chips the first time she was sold. She outright loves it. I'll admit its one of the better things I've ever gotten.
And thats about it for my little trinkets. There is one more thing I really want but I can not afford that right now. Will have to wait till I get a job. I've mentioned Gamera earlier, whom I grew up watching. Hes like Godzilla for those who dont know, except hes a massive turtle. And he kicks about 500 kinds of arse! There were certain statues or toys I've wanted in my life. One was a Thor sttaue which I finally got and love, another was a Voltes V figure which I finally got, and I really see it was some kind of magic that I even own it because its hard to get merchandise from that series. Its all the 5 vehicles that form into the large robot. Its brilliant. Voltes V GX-31 is what the thing is called in case anyone wants to look it up. I loved him growing up. And the other was an Alien statue, which I got last year and its my prized possession and my most expensive thing, not including the usual computer/tv stuff. But this....I want this...
The statue is about 12inches high and costs a STUPID $300. I've have to shove in another $100 for postage probably. Its based off the mid 90s trilogy that reviewers all say are the benchmark for any monster movie. Those are the blurays I got. But yeah... my hope is really to be able to afford this before it goes out of stock as statues dont get second runs. I need this to make my stupid life complete. Then I will have all the things I loved as a kid within reaching distance to psychotically fawn over.
During the time I like to buy myself presents since I know I'm the only one who can get me the things I like. Technically I SHOULDNT be buying anything while I'm not working, but I had some money saved up for this period of year. Also the price of the specials dictate what I get now and leave for later. I grabbed a few things like the entire 'Carry On' movies dvd boxset. I grew up on those, love them to death. A few Gamera blurays that I never got around to watching, again something I loved as a kid growing up. And also the delicious HD collection of Zone of the Enders for ps3. Seriously, ZOE 2 is one of the best games ever created for the ps2, so when it was being updated for the new systems I had to buy it. Was waiting for it for ages. If you've never played it seriously try to get your hands on it. Easily in my top 5 mech games. Maybe top o the list. I adore it.
Then I come to a few ones I wasnt expecting to buy. I saw some Hammer books on special. Now the special was cool, but what was cooler is I didnt actually know these existed. So I didnt want to wait for too long in case they sold out and they stopped printing them, as some books of this type do.
I grew up on these movies as a kid. The top left and bottom right both have Christopher Lee on them, an actor you've no doubt seen me mention in the past. I grew up watching his Dracula movies at the age of 6-7. These movies arent for kids lolol. But I loved them to death. These are HUGE and heavy hardcover books with heaps of articles and rare photos from the time. I found another one a few days later I was surprised I missed and ordered that, still waiting on the slow post to find my house. And then I found this...
Hammer was the studio that created those horror films. And this is a boxset of their 21 best movies on dvd. It was on special for like $20 with free shipping ,and it usually costs like $60-70+ with shipping. So I launched myself at it. Going to have heaps of awesome nights watching these.
The last major thing I bought myself was a new keyboard. I'd had the microsoft one for years. Like...I dunno...7-8. It was a good keyboard. But I've always wanted one with programmable macro buttons, like the logitech G series. But those things were always pretty expensive, like $100-150 depending ont he model.. Then I saw they'd released the logitech G110, a cut down version of the line without the stupid LCD screen attached to it, going for less than half price. So I grabbed this beauty for like $40. I couldnt resist it for a price like that.
The keys feel really nice, its less loud than my microsoft one when typing. I'm having to get used to the size of it with the keys on the left though. Pressing alt-tab usually ends up with my fingers elsewhere. I'm getting there. There was only one major issue I had and that was how high you could elevate the top half with the little extendable legs. It was far too low from what I was used to. I started thinking what I could do that would make it feel more natural and not propped up on something. I noticed it came with a wrist guard that clipped to the bottom. I didnt like the feel of it. But that I started thinking....Double sided tape and BOOM!
Eat your heart out MacGyver!!! With the wrist guard on the bottom stuck to it fast, it is now at the PERFECT height and feels very good. It doesnt wobble or tilt or anything. I'm so happy. My final toy wasnt exactly for me but for my mum. I was sick of potato chips being cooked in the frying pan. There would be that soggy oil feel with them and the tiles would get a little crappy from the hot oil splashing a little in the pan, so there was always cleaning up after. I'd read up on the airfryer cookers that dont need oil but never really looked too much into them. Finally I got frustrated and started reading up some reviews. I found this philips one that seemed to be very good. But it was heaps more expensive than I would have liked. But I'm all about quality over everything else so I make exceptions, and this was one such case.
They work basically like miniature fan forced ovens, but the heat is so concentrated that it cooks things really well. It can do heaps of things from chips to cakes. And NO OIL! So it not only tastes way better, its healthier too. The philips one isnt as large as the other versions out there, but again price was going into the stupid area for those. And if I fill the bottom tray with chips its enough to fill up half of 3 large plates, thats heaps.
Thats what they look like. Obviously its not full as I was doing a test just for myself, but thats still heaps just for me. They come out very crispy. Amazing. My mum at first was quite upset because she thought it wasnt worth the amount of money I spent. But after eating the chips the first time she was sold. She outright loves it. I'll admit its one of the better things I've ever gotten.
And thats about it for my little trinkets. There is one more thing I really want but I can not afford that right now. Will have to wait till I get a job. I've mentioned Gamera earlier, whom I grew up watching. Hes like Godzilla for those who dont know, except hes a massive turtle. And he kicks about 500 kinds of arse! There were certain statues or toys I've wanted in my life. One was a Thor sttaue which I finally got and love, another was a Voltes V figure which I finally got, and I really see it was some kind of magic that I even own it because its hard to get merchandise from that series. Its all the 5 vehicles that form into the large robot. Its brilliant. Voltes V GX-31 is what the thing is called in case anyone wants to look it up. I loved him growing up. And the other was an Alien statue, which I got last year and its my prized possession and my most expensive thing, not including the usual computer/tv stuff. But this....I want this...
The statue is about 12inches high and costs a STUPID $300. I've have to shove in another $100 for postage probably. Its based off the mid 90s trilogy that reviewers all say are the benchmark for any monster movie. Those are the blurays I got. But yeah... my hope is really to be able to afford this before it goes out of stock as statues dont get second runs. I need this to make my stupid life complete. Then I will have all the things I loved as a kid within reaching distance to psychotically fawn over.
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