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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Almost there

New years is just around the corner.  I'm hoping to evolve and gain some mutant powers.  I dont see it happening but I've got my fingers crossed, and everyone knows that if you cross your fingers you get +3 to your luck rating.

I've ginally started up Eternal Sonata, an rpg on the consoles.  Been meaning to play that for ages.  Its pretty good, which is rare for a japanese rpg lately.  Its also frustratingly hard.  Sub bosses kill me.  Like multiple times.  Right now I'm doing the old school levelling up for a few hours to try and beat this one bastard who rapes me something vicious.  Bit annoying since I've got too many games to play.  I dont want to waste it levelling up for hours and hours.  But the gameplay is really good.  Some very original things in the combat. 

STEAM has been having some amazing sales this week.  I've picked up a few games.  I've noticed todays sales has the Kings Bounty pack up.  Brilliant games, really dying for a sequel.  Hope they make one.  Too many good games around.  I'll have less time soon also if I get a job.  I've started applying for a few, focusing on going back into IT instead of government etc.  And finance can totally fuck off.  And with that I'll leave you an insight into video game development.


  1. Geez almost all men think about boobs -.-

  2. but Con doesn't just think about BOOBIES but also Molotov COCKtail Witch's and AHWSS (which is ass btw)and friendly fire and more Molotov's and how fucking awesome he is

  3. i didn't know you liked cake but isn't it a lie? oh well CAAAAAAAAAKE

  4. I never took con to me a government working man. Meh but I really don't know the guy

  5. I haven't been able to play many games lately. Too busy with work myself. Although I'm getting to go on a snowboarding trip over New Years.

    Also; picture = extremely accurate.

  6. Work is work, doesnt matter who its for. But I'm not in the government now.

  7. lol despite that, female protagonists in singleplayer games are rare. I honestly would rather see more of them appearing the future.

  8. wait a minute i said awesome wrong let me fix that. awesomeomomomommn

  9. IT...

    Con is a SPY :D

