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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

So dumb

So recently I was thinking...  What can I do thats retarded?  I have plenty of choices really.  One of them being just be myself.  But I thought maybe do something that could be slightly entertaining.  And thats when I remembered my epic legendary MSPaint art.  These are two examples of my ART!

Thats Batman and a dinosaur that someone asked me to do a while back.  So if you feel like encouraging me in my pointless little exercise, I'll happily use my SKILL to do some requests.  Put them in the comments section and I will dazzle you!  I do feel a little bad about this since Jed will now feel self concious about his art after seeing my masterpieces, but thats the curse I live with for having this talent.

Down the road I'll make a post with all the ones I've done.


  1. can you draw a cat, please?

    it may be retarded too. im fine with it :'D

  2. Damn I wanted him to draw me a cat.... draw me a unicorn please

  3. An alien queen! That would be awesome!

  4. Draw a guitar wielding Ninja who's playing a wicked solo on top of a whale..IN SPACE!

  5. A jet propelled penguin using a shark as a snowboard down a snowy slope.

  6. You should draw yourself and Jed fighting with pencils for weapons.

  7. Draw Jed with his secret fetish on his head. IT MUST BE DONE.

  8. I say...draw...Speed Racer's Mach 5 :)

  9. =D draw a group of the most random superheros you can think of. Or you can draw you an jed as awesome superheros. *nods* yes think I would like to see you 2 as superheros..... Fighting your archenemy. o/

  10. I want you to draw you drawing on MSPaint. With the title MSPaint-ception under it.

  11. Draw Jed as a girl!!! 8D it would be awesome!!

  12. Awesome for you, frightening for me.

  13. Draw your background

  14. Just to let you all know I'm having shitloads of fun with some of these. A few are gonna be blah, but theres some gold ones here lol

  15. Make me a four-legged alien with a pizza in his right hand and a sword in his left hand sir.

    Yeah... that's strangely enough the first thing that came up.

  16. Draw me deadpool arguing with his foot. =3

  17. Draw Tyrannosaurs in F-14s bombing zombies.

  18. An afropiglet!! I would so love that!

  19. Draw a laser gun wielding, bodybuilding pirate with one leg and a robotic arm riding Nyan cat down an icy mountain while eating a sandwich
